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Microscopy and Image Analysis Workshops for African Researchers


Imaging has rapidly become an essential aspect of life sciences research. Microscopy offers insight into the spatio-temporal relationships of cells, organisms, macromolecules, and sub-cellular structures and processes.


By hosting pan-continental workshops, Imaging Africa strives to develop the microscopy expertise of African scientists and foster the growth of the African imaging community. Particular emphasis is placed on developing skills and expertise throughout Africa, and truly aims to impact researchers from every African nation. To achieve this, and with the help of generous support, Imaging Africa covers all expenses for all workshop attendees―including meals, air transport, and accommodation. The workshop provides any researcher from Africa the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques necessary to fully harness the power of optical microscopy.

The Imaging Africa initiative is spearheaded by the Advanced Imaging Center at HHMI Janelia Research Campus. The Advanced Imaging Center is a collaborative platform that makes pioneering microscopy technologies accessible to the global scientific community at no cost.
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